Fixed: The Registration dialog is shown again on macOS 10.9.
New in 1.25: (2016-12-23, R 152)
System Requirements: macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) o superiore.
Rulers: The current mouse position is shown more reliably without dropouts.
Preferences: The dialog layout has been refurbished.
Riparati alcuni bug minori.
New in 1.22: (2014-10-29, R 130)
System Requirements: macOS 10.7 (Lion) o superiore.
Completely re-written 64-bit application.
The Screen Simulation menu disables all resolution menu items which make no sense for the current screen resolution.
Tutte le icone aggiornate in risoluzione-indipendenti dalla versioni.
Aggiunto la localizzazione in Spagnolo.
New in 1.21: (2014-10-07, R 87)
App icon issues solved.
GUI localization issues solved.
New in 1.20: (2014-10-06, R 75)
System Requirements: macOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) o superiore.
Screen Resolution Simulation: added more screen resolution sizes.
Manual can be navigated by keyboard.
The Registration dialog converts input values in the NAME and MATCHCODE fields into uppercase values automatically.
New in 1.10: (2011-05-06, R 45)
System Requirements: macOS 10.5 (Leopard) o superiore.
Rulers: All rulers show the current mouse position (in red color).
The menu bar has been straightened out to make the finding of functions more intuitive.
Help menu: new menu entry Send Message.
Screen Simulation: more screen resolutions added.
Preferences: new hot key recorder.
Aggiunto la localizzazione in Ceco.
Adjustments for the Mac App Store.
New application icon.
New in 1.04: (2006-11-30)
Universal Binary
New in 1.03: (2005-08-28)
Supports macOS 10.3 (Panther).
New in 1.02: (2004-07-27)
Supports macOS 10.3 (Panther).
More products for macOS:
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