JobTimer 3.17JobTimer 3.17
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JobTimer 3.17

This application has reached its end of life and is no longer for sale. You can still download a copy of this application if you need it.

  • Perfect tool for freelancers!
  • Measure your work time for projects now!
  • Get an overview about your work time!

JobTimer Main Window

Don't waste your valuable worktime with rough calculations! Use JobTimer and gain control over various projects with simple mouse clicks. Check out exactly how long you have been busy working on that new website for customer X as well as the new print catalog for customer Y. Use the RTF export and handle your JobTimer protocols in other programs according to your needs. JobTimer is recommended as a boot application. One click, and your next job can be started.

Novinky verze 3.17:
  • Aplikace nepadá při spuštění (Mac macOS 10.5 to Mac macOS …
Novinky verze 3.16:
  • Ikony aplikace podporují retina displeje.
  • Při načtení document se přepočítají všechny časové údaje. …
[Více …]
Novinky verze 3.15:
  • Boprava chyby starých dokumentů v1.
Požadavky na systém:
macOS 10.5 (Leopard) nebo novější