JobTimer 3.17JobTimer 3.17
Calculate your job work time more easily – never lose a single second any more!
cs da de en es fr nl

The unregistered version starts with a time delay and quits after 30 minutes automatically.

System Require­ments: macOS 10.5 (Leopard) or higher

(14639 kB, Built 10/14/2013)
cs da de en fr nl

Tiger version (macOS 10.4 (Tiger) or higher):
The unregistered version starts with a time delay and quits after 30 minutes automatically.

(8486 kB, Built 07/07/2011)

Softpedia Award FindMySoft Award

New in 3.17:
  • Application no longer crashes on launch (Mac macOS 10.5 to …
New in 3.16:
  • App icons support Retina displays.
  • All time values will be recalculated when a JobTimer document …
[More …]
New in 3.15:
  • Bugfix for old v1 documents.
System Require­ments:
macOS 10.5 (Leopard) or higher