HoudahGeo 5.2.3

With HoudahGeo you may pin photos to locations where they were taken.

Just like an expensive GPS camera, HoudahGeo may store latitude, longitude and altitude information right within the image file - invisibly with no loss of quality. HoudahGeo writes EXIF, XMP, and IPTC tags.

HoudahGeo projects may be published to EveryTrail or viewed and shared using Google Earth. Geotagged photos may be uploaded to Flickr or locr.

One-stop geocoding for the Mac

HoudahGeo caters to two very different needs:

  • Geotagging for archival purposes using EXIF, XMP and IPTC tags
  • Geocoding for publishing to Google Earth, Flickr, EveryTrail or locr

GPS device: optional

HoudahGeo offers you many ways of geocoding your favorite photos:

  • Automatic: Matches photos to GPS track logs and waypoints
  • iPhone / iPad: Matches photos to reference photos taken using iPhone
  • Using a map: Pick locations using the built-in map
  • Using Google Earth: Point to the desired location
  • Precision: Attach photos to GPS waypoints
  • Manual: Enter coordinates found on Google Earth, Wikipedia, …

GPS device: supported

HoudahGeo connects directly to many brands and models of GPS track loggers. It also reads GPX, NMEA, LOG, TES, … and TCX files created by third party software.

New in 5.2.3:
  • Updated for compatibility with macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • On macOS 10.14 Mojave, HoudahGeo now requests your permission to …
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New in 5.2.2:
  • Works a around a bug where photo library browser, when …
  • Added links to our privacy policy as well as to …
New in 5.2.1:
  • Improves application performance when working with very large projects.
  • Fixes a map crash when showing track logs spanning several …
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System Require­ments:
macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) o superiore