Added the compatibility to the new macOS Monterey.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.4.3: (2021-06-21, R 132)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.4.1: (2021-03-11, R 125)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.4.0: (2020-11-19, R 120)
Added the full compatibility with macOS Big Sur (version 11.0).
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.9: (2020-10-19, R 109)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.8: (2020-08-25)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.7: (2020-07-08)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.6: (2020-04-27)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.5: (2020-03-17)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.4: (2020-02-14)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.2: (2020-01-14)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.1: (2019-12-10)
Tiny enhancements.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.3.0: (2019-10-16)
Added the compatibility to macOS Catalina (10.15).
Bug fixes.
New in 5.2.2: (2019-08-21, R 76)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.2.1: (2019-07-24, R 71)
Supporting the Umbrella application.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.1.2: (2019-05-22, R 60)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.1.1: (2019-03-08, R 56)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.1.0: (2019-01-24, R 52)
Added the support for the .flac audio files. Now it's possible to search and manage those files by tag (song name, artist, etc.).
Some improvements.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.12: (2018-12-14, R 46)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.11: (2018-11-19)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.10: (2018-10-12, R 40)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.9: (2018-09-27, R 36)
Added compatibility with macOS Mojave 10.14.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.8: (2018-08-26, R 32)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.7: (2018-07-28, R 28)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.6: (2018-06-22, R 26)
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.5: (2018-05-08, R 19)
Restored the export to html.
Others improvements.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0.4: (2018-04-17, R 17)
Restored the drag and drop of the result list.
Restored the switch icon size feature of result list.
Tiny enhancements.
Bug fixes.
New in 5.0: (2018-01-31, R 3)
New version 5 is available - Easy to use as ever before!
New in 4.1.24: (2017-12-05, R 108)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.22: (2017-07-08, R 100)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.21: (2017-05-13, R 99)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.20: (2017-03-15, R 96)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.18: (2016-11-22, R 89)
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.17: (2016-09-23, R 85)
Added the ability to not show the annoying Photos error message in macOS Sierra (macOS 10.12).
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.16: (2016-09-22, R 82)
Added full compatibility with macOS Sierra (macOS 10.12).
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.15: (2016-08-12, R 78)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.14: (2016-07-07, R 76)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.13: (2016-06-07, R 74)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.12: (2016-05-02, R 71)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.10: (2016-03-10, R 66)
Improved the Russian localization.
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.9: (2016-01-10, R 59)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.8: (2015-11-25, R 55)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.7: (2015-11-10, R 53)
Added the Chinese localization.
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.6: (2015-10-15, R 49)
Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented Tidy Up from removing files in El Capitan.
New in 4.1.5: (2015-10-03, R 48)
Added full support to macOS 10.11 El Capitan.
New in 4.1.4: (2015-09-26, R 46)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.3: (2015-08-17, R 42)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.2: (2015-07-20, R 38)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.1.1: (2015-06-18, R 33)
Other bug fixes.
New in 4.1.0: (2015-05-19, R 29)
Added the support to Photos. Now it's possible to search inside the Photos library.
Other bug fixes.
New in 4.0.6: (2015-04-21, R 24)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.0.5: (2015-03-09, R 21)
Bug fixes.
New in 4.0.4: (2015-02-06)
Fixed some bugs that did crash the application.
Fixed other bugs.
New in 4.0.3: (2015-01-15, R 14)
Fixed some bugs that did crash the application.
Fixed other bugs.
New in 4.0.2: (2014-12-17)
Fixed some bugs that did crash the application.
Fixed other bugs.
New in 4.0.1: (2014-11-26, R 7)
Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed the app when the items were trashed.
Fixed a bug that sometimes crashed the app when the result window was shown.
Fixed other minor bugs.
New in 4.0: (2014-11-11, R 3)
New version 4 is available - Easy to use as ever before! Some of the new features are:
New user interface, Yosemite-style.
Search engine completely rewritten using the latest macOS technologies.
Finally 64-bit compliant.
New view by duplicate group.
New Quick Autocheck feature.
New Smart Search methods.
New rewritten user manual.
… and many more!
New in 6.0.3:
Bug fixes.
New in 6.0.1:
Added the possibility to create the smart boxes from the …
Bug fixes.
New in 6.0:
New version 6 is available - Easy to use as …
System Requirements:
macOS 11.0 (Big Sur) or higher
Tidy Up's little brother
DupeZap is Tidy Up's little brother with a little less power and possibilities. Get your hands on the TidyUp demo version and see in the Features page which version fits your needs better.
More products for macOS:
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