PDF Nomad 2.4.2PDF Nomad 2.4.2
PDF Nomad - the Versatile PDF Editor

The following is a feature comparison chart between PDFClerk Pro and PDF Nomad.

PDF Nomad was built from the ground up for, and requires, macOS 10.7 (Lion) and uses its infrastructure to provide an overall smoother experience. In addition PDF Nomad arguably has a more attractive user interface and certain operations are easier to perform than in PDFClerk Pro. Not all features of PDFClerk Pro are available in PDF Nomad, and vice versa. PDFClerk Pro is available for macOS 10.5 (Leopard) and up, and is compatible with macOS 10.7 (Lion).

Feature PDFClerk Pro 3.12 PDF Nomad 2.0
Minimum system version Requires Mac macOS 10.5 or later. Requires Mac macOS 10.7 or later.
Native file format PDFClerk file format. (Exports PDF format.) PDF format.
Full screen support YES YES++ (Lion savvy)
Insert documents (PDF, graphic, text) YES YES
Interleave PDF documents YES YES
Overlay PDF documents YES YES
Merge annotations from PDF documents YES YES
Import directly from scanner NO YES
Import form data from CSV YES NO
Import by dragging pages from Finder YES YES
Explode YES YES
Explode into chapters (= Explode by outlines) NO YES
Split even/odd YES YES
Explode into bitmaps YES YES
Export text YES YES
Export speech YES YES
Export form data YES NO
Export selected pages only YES YES
Export by dragging pages into Finder YES YES
Apply filters during export/saving YES YES
Annotate with markups, vector shapes and text boxes YES++ (more elaborate) YES++ (more convenient)
Create PDF forms YES++ (more elaborate) YES
Finishing and proofing marks YES YES
Watermarks YES YES
Relabel pages (internally) YES YES
Stamp page labels on pages YES YES++ (more convenient)
Page Layout
Impositions YES++ (user defined) YES (book/magazine layout only)
Automatic Creep Compensation YES YES
Shift page content YES YES++
Freely rotate pages YES YES
Resize and scale pages YES YES++
Manage display boxes YES YES++
Split pages YES YES++
Tile pages NO YES
Merge pages YES YES
Reorder pages YES YES
Add/delete pages YES YES
Automatically deskew (straighten) pages NO YES
Create outlines from table of contents YES YES
Create outlines from links YES YES
Link table of contents entries to target pages YES YES
Link index entries to target pages YES YES
Link cross-document references to target pages YES YES
Batch find and replace in outlines YES YES
Batch select outlines by level NO YES
OCR (optical Character Recognition) NO YES
Bookmarks library for easy access to your files NO YES
Apple Script support YES NO
Encrypt documents YES YES
Split Preview Canvas (optional second independent view of your document) NO YES
Print pages mirrored YES YES
Add/edit document keywords and other info YES YES
Easily turn selected text into document keywords NO YES
New in PDF Nomad 2.4.2:
  • Fixed: Bug fixes for increased stability.
New in PDF Nomad 2.4.1:
  • Nuovo: Options to show finishing marks in Booklet Editor.
  • Fixed: Bug fixes for increased stability and other minor enhancements.
New in PDF Nomad 2.4:
  • Nuovo: Multiline Form Fields. Now you can create forms …
  • Nuovo: Resize all pages to their crop box size …
[More …]
System Require­ments:
macOS 10.8 (Mountain Lion) o superiore