(2016-04-11, R 12873)

  • HoudahGeo now writes the artist name to both artist and creator metadata attributes.
  • HoudahGeo now writes keywords to both keywords and subject metadata attributes.
  • Fixes a bug where reference photo geocoding using the nearest photo span to all preceding photos.
  • HoudahGeo no longer tries to write negative speed values to EXIF. Such values can only be written to XMP.

(2015-11-27, R 11777)

  • Enhancement: Offline reverse geocoding
    Offline reverse geocoding using GeoNames data now needs much less disk space.
  • Enhancement: Altitude lookup
    Altitude lookup is now much faster.
  • Enhancement: Reverse geocoding
    Added reverse geocoding using the Open Cage service.
  • Enhancement: exiftool
    Updated to the latest production release of exiftool.
  • Fix: Quick Look
    Quick Look image preview did not follow selection.
  • Fix: Geocoding using Google Earth
    Geocoding did not work with the Pro version of Google Earth.
  • Fix: German localization
    Explanations of GPS geocoding options where not shown correctly in the German version.

(2015-09-21, R 11290)

  • Fix: Removal of images
    Fixes a bug where images could not be removed from a HoudahGeo project.
  • Fix: Map search
    Fixes a bug where search on the geocoding map failed to find locations.
  • Fix: Map geocoding
    Fixes a bug where map geocoding failed to pick up longitude values.

(2015-09-10, R 11192)

  • Enhancement: Offline reverse geocoding
    Improved performance of offline reverse geocoding using GeoNames data.
  • Enhancement: Map search
    Map search does a better job at prioritizing relevant locations.
  • Enhancement: Edit of image properties
    Image attributes (city, country, etc.) can now be edited directly in the list of images.

(2015-08-31, R 11149)

  • Fix: Camera Setup
    Fixes a bug that prevented drag and drop on the Camera Setup sheet.
  • Enhancement: Faster startup
    Improved HoudahGeo startup time for Lightroom users.
  • : NOTE
    The current version of the new Apple Photos application lacks the programmatic interface needed for HoudahGeo to notify it of newly added geotags. We recommend that you geotag your photos before importing them into the Photos library.

(2015-06-31, R 10777)

  • Fix: Lightroom previews
    Photos rotated in Lightroom were not displayed correctly in HoudahGeo.

(2015-06-25, R 10775)

  • Enhancement: CVS export
    Added heading and viewing direction to CSV export.
  • Fix: Google Earth export
    Fixes a bug where viewing direction was not shown in Google Earth.

(2015-06-03, R 10669)

  • Fix: Adobe Lightroom 5
    Fixes a bug that prevented HoudahGeo from loading Lightroom 5 catalogs.


  • Enhancement: Faster previews
    Improves loading times for previews of large RAW files.
  • Fix: Google Earth geocoding
    The geocoding window opens with the current photo selected.
  • Fix: Speed
    Speed values could show rounding artifacts after the fifth digit.

(2015-05-18, R 10529)

  • New: Heading / direction of travel
    HoudahGeo writes heading to the GPSTrack and GPSTrackRef EXIF tags.
  • : Streamlining
    Removed outdated export options: The options to publish to EveryTrail or Evernote have been removed.
  • Enhancement: Manual entry of coordinates
    HoudahGeo accepts a wider range of formats for coordinate values.
  • Enhancement: Improved wording
    Viewing direction is computed from heading and view offset.
  • Enhancement: Viewing direction
    Viewing direction could show rounding artifacts after the fifth digit.
  • Fix: Manual entry of speed
    Manual entry of speed values in km/h failed.

(2015-04-23, R 10377)

  • Fix: Google Earth export
    Fixes a crash in Google Earth KML / KMZ export.

(2015-04-23, R 10375)

  • New: Adobe Lightroom 6
    HoudahGeo can now access images from the Adobe Lightroom 6 catalog.
  • Fix: Viewing direction
    Viewing direction values were capped to 36°.

(2015-04-14, R 10340)

  • New: Apple Photos application
    HoudahGeo can now access images in the Apple Photos media library.
  • Enhancement: Notify iPhoto / Aperture
    HoudahGeo automatically offers to notify iPhoto / Aperture upon EXIF / XMP export.
  • Enhancement: MapBox Maps
    MapBox maps in HoudahGeo look even better than ever before.
  • Enhancement: NMEA track logs
    HoudahGeo can now handle NMEA track log files with a .txt extension.
  • : Note: Geotagging for Apple Photos
    In its first version Photos lacks the programmatic interface needed for HoudahGeo to notify it of newly added geotags. Until this issue is resolved, we recommend that you geotag your photos before importing them into the Photos library.

(2014-12-03, R 9400)

  • Fix: iPhoto libraries on external drives
    Fixes a problem causing excessive resource usage when loading iPhoto libraries located on external drives.
  • Fix: GPS devices
    Fixes a bug which could prevent HoudahGeo from detecting newly connected USB devices.
  • Enhancement: Image selection
    When removing an image from a project, HoudahGeo now selects the next image in the list.
  • Enhancement: Document saving
    HoudahGeo now finalizes text field edits before saving a project file.
  • Enhancement: Image selection
    Includes a workaround for a bug where Google Earth fails to reveal the requested location.

(2014-09-18, R 8846)

  • Enhancement: Support for Mac macOS 10.10 Yosemite
    Adds compatibility with Mac macOS 10.9.5 and Mac macOS 10.10 Yosemite.
  • HoudahGeo 4.0 is a free upgrade from HoudahGeo 3.0.
  • HoudahGeo 3.0 was a paid upgrade from HoudahGeo 1.x and 2.x.
  • Customers who bought their HoudahGeo license on or after June 1, 2011 are eligible for a free upgrade.
  • HoudahGeo 4.0 will check your license file and offer the option to buy an upgrade if required.


  • Fix: Upload to Flickr, Locr and EveryTrail
    Fixes an issue with uploading multiple images sharing the same name.


  • Fix: Various
    This release fixes a handful of minor bugs.


  • New: Knots
    HoudahGeo can now display speed in knots (nautical mile / hour).
  • Enhancement: Image loading
    HoudahGeo now checks if it has read privileges before trying to load an image file.
  • Enhancement: Paste Coordinates
    Pasting coordinates now understands more number formats and separators.
  • Fix: Appearance
    Fixes display glitches when resizing the window.


  • New: Paste coordinates
    Paste Coordinates now understands text values like 34.0594;-118.44367;105.0.
  • Enhancement: Flickr upload
    Flickr upload now uses HTTPS rather than HTTP.
  • Enhancement: Built-in maps
    Added an option to force map to reload. Useful when returning to an Internet connection.
  • Enhancement: Automatic map zoom
    Map zoom upon selection of multiple images tries not to zoom in closer than the map allows for.
  • Fix: Altitude and speed value formatters
    HoudahGeo could crash when switching between metric and imperial units.

(2014-04-23, R 7766)

  • New: Built-in MapQuest maps
    Replaced Cloudmade maps with MapQuest Open maps.
  • New: MapQuest reverse geocoding
    Added MapQuest Open Data as an option for reverse geocoding.
  • New: Nominatim reverse geocoding
    Added Nominatim as an option for reverse geocoding.
  • Enhancement: MapBox maps
    Improved implementation of built-in MapBox street and satellite maps.
  • Enhancement: Local GeoNames reverse geocoding
    Updated local copy of GeoNames data.
  • Fix: Display time zone menu
    The display time zone menu could show duplicate entries.
  • Fix: Various
    Fixed various minor bugs.

(2014-04-02, R 7578)

  • Enhancement: Media browser
    The media browser now shows GPS coordinates stored in iPhoto or Aperture libraries.
  • Enhancement: Aperture import
    Improves performance of importing images from Aperture libraries.
  • Enhancement: Preserve modification dates
    Works around a system bug where file modification dates are updated after EXIF/XMP export.
  • Fix: Bookmarks menu
    The bookmarks menu now respects to sort order configured in the bookmarks window.
  • Fix: GPX waypoint export
    The option for waypoint name was ignored.


  • Enhancement: EXIF/XMP export
    When creating copies, EXIF/XMP export now uses the original file name rather than the name iPhoto has chosen for preview image.
  • Enhancement: Display time zone menu
    The display time zone is now referred to by the name selected from the menu. Previously HoudahGeo used a canonical name.
  • Enhancement: Aperture integration
    HoudahGeo shows a warning when preview sharing is disabled in Aperture.
  • Fix: Google Earth KML/KMZ export
    Image thumbnails were not shown for file names containing spaces.
  • Fix: Crash on close of window
    HHoudahGeo could crash when quickly closing and opening windows.


  • Enhancement: Altitude lookup
    HoudahGeo now relies on the MapQuest Open Elevation service.
  • Fix: EXIF export
    HoudahGeo sometimes failed to preserve file modification dates.


  • Enhancement: Geocoding search
    Improved search capabilities in the geocoding map.
  • Fix: MapBox maps
    Fixes a bug where map markers would not show on Retina Macs.

(2013-12-03, R 6850)

  • Enhancement: Artist tag
    Adds a column to view and edit values for the EXIF Artist tag.
  • Fix: Built-in maps
    Fixes a bug where the map could remain blank.

(2013-12-01, R 6844)

  • New: Import from iPhoto / Aperture Places
    HoudahGeo now imports GPS coordinates of photos managed by iPhoto 9.5 or Aperture 3.5.
  • New: Reload from files
    Updated metadata can now be reloaded for images already included in a project.
  • New: Artist tag
    The value for the EXIF Artist tag can now be set in the Inspector.
  • Enhancement: Import from Aperture
    HoudahGeo now warns if the image master file cannot be found.
  • Enhancement: Notify iPhoto / Aperture
    HoudahGeo now warns if an image is not found in the current iPhoto / Aperture library.
  • Fix: Crash on opening windows
    Fixes a crash when repeatedly opening and closing windows.
  • Fix: Publish to Evernote
    Fixes a bug where publishing to Evernote could fail.

(2013-10-30, R 6649)

  • New: Reveal in Mavericks Maps
    Added an option to reveal locations in the Mavericks Maps application.
  • Enhancement: MapBox maps
    Updated to the latest version of MapBox maps.
  • Fix: Folder browser
    HoudahGeo no longer reloads folder contents during EXIF/XMP export.
  • Fix: Double-start of operations
    Fixes a crash triggered by double-clicking OK buttons.

(2013-10-21, R 6536)

  • Fix: Aperture libraries
    HoudahGeo failed to automatically reload Aperture libraries.
  • Fix: Error messages during export
    HoudahGeo could show erroneous error messages during EXIF/XMP export.
  • Fix: German localization
    A few English messages could show in the German version.

(2013-10-03, R 6234)

  • Enhancement: Performance
    Improved speed of the geocoding process.
  • Fix: Cloud Made
    Accommodates breaking changes in Cloud Made API.
  • Fix: Bing Maps
    Bing Maps always started in Map mode. Even with Satellite selected.
  • Fix: Aperture integration
    Removes duplicate listings of Aperture libraries.
  • Fix: 32-bit support
    Restored support for 32-bit (Core Duo) Macs.


  • Fix: Aperture integration
    HoudahGeo could fail to access master image files in Aperture.


  • Enhancement: Lightroom integration
    HoudahGeo now loads all recently used libraries.
  • Enhancement: Built-in maps
    HoudahGeo no longer zooms the map to show a single pin.
  • Fix: Aperture integration
    HoudahGeo now properly reloads Aperture libraries on update.


  • Enhancement: GPS Altitude
    HoudahGeo now writes GPS altitude to both EXIF and XMP tags.
  • Fix: Time zone display
    HoudahGeo could crash looking up time names.
  • Fix: Media browser
    HoudahGeo could crash if no media library is installed.


  • Fix: Reverse geocoding
    Fixes an issue where reverse geocoding using CoreLocation could hang.
  • Fix: Bing maps
    Works around an issue where Bing Maps can crash the JavaScript engine.
  • Fix: Aperture
    Fixes an issue when running HoudahGeo and Aperture concurrently.


  • Enhancement: GeoNames reverse geocoding
    Updated local GeoNames database used for reverse geocoding.
  • Enhancement: MapBox maps
    Updated to the latest version of MapBox maps.
  • Fix: Google Street View
    Links to Google Street View did not work if no viewing direction was specified.


  • New: Lightroom 5
    HoudahGeo can now access Lightroom 5 libraries.
  • New: View on Google or Bing maps
    HoudahGeo can now reveal locations on the Google or Bing maps web sites.
  • New: View in StreetView or StreetSide
    HoudahGeo can now reveal locations in Google StreetView or Bing StreetSide.
  • New: Core Location reverse geocoding
    Mountain Lion users now have to option to use Apple Core Location for reverse geocoding.
  • Enhancement: Display time zone
    The display time zone menu now list all known time zone in addition to recently used ones.
  • Fix: Camera setup
    Fixed an issue where HoudahGeo would fail to understand typed in clock error values.
5.2.3 での変更点:
  • Updated for compatibility with macOS 10.14 Mojave.
  • On macOS 10.14 Mojave, HoudahGeo now requests your permission to …
5.2.2 での変更点:
  • Works a around a bug where photo library browser, when …
  • Added links to our privacy policy as well as to …
5.2.1 での変更点:
  • Improves application performance when working with very large projects.
  • Fixes a map crash when showing track logs spanning several …
macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) もしくはそれ以降