May 26, 2009: Caboodle 1.3 with enhanced PDF support


Caboodle gets more and more handy!

The current version 1.3 brings significant enhancements in PDF support, import and export. Here is a list of changes:

Caboodle - New in 1.3 :
(2009-05-19, R 1018)
  • Added a Save PDF to Caboodle option to the printing workflows (i.e. the menu in the PDF button in print panels), making it really easy to save any document to a new entry just by (effectively) printing it to Caboodle.
  • Added a menu command to the Caboodle menu to Install PDF Workflow..., so you can install it later if desired.
  • Added a PDF... option to the Import sub-menu. PDFs are imported as attachments in new entries.
  • Added an alert panel to ask if you want to install the print PDF workflow, since some people might not want it (e.g. if only trying Caboodle). Only appears once.
  • The folder hierarchy is now preserved when importing; folders are imported as entries with a folder icon and no text content.
  • Added Web Archive and HTML options to the Export sub-menu. The Web Archive format is nice and tidy, and can be displayed in any modern web browser. The HTML export outputs the entries as folders of HTML files and images.
  • Improved the handling of exports to use multi-threading only when appropriate.
  • Added General Preferences to include or exclude the creation and modification dates, Subject, and/or custom fields when printing and exporting. They are all included by default.
  • Changed the format of the printed/exported dates to be the same as displayed in the window, and fixed a bug where it was outputting the creation date instead of the modification one.
  • Fixed a cosmetic bug where having an entry selected, doing a search and not selecting anything, then clearing the search would leave the selection without displaying the corresponding entry content.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent finding licenses in very rare circumstances.
  • German localization improved. de
  • French localization improved. fr
  • Dutch localization added. nl


Your Bag of Tricks

Caboodle provides a single place to store, organize, and find those little pieces of information that you might have previously stored in Stickies or obscurely-named text files strewn over your desktop.

Download and try Caboodle for free! Read the Caboodle release notes to see what has changed in this version, or read the User Guide to find out more about it.

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